Eolus 30 F Hiking & Backpacking Sleeping Bag - 3 Season, 800FP Goose down Sleeping Bag - Ultralight - Blue/Lime Green - 87In - Long. Inner and outer nylon shell with vertical baffles that allow the adjustment of the 800 fill power insulation to move where the fill is needed the most. 30 Degree Sleeping Bag for Camping: Perfect cold weather sleeping bag features WR 800 fill power goose down insulation with a revolutionary microscopic ClusterLoft base to keep you warm from 30 - 58 F.
Hiking Gear: Designed for thru-hiking, backpacking and camping, this ultralight sleeping bag boasts superior weight-to-warmth ratio at only 1.93 lbs for Regular; Sleeping bag stuff sack included. Hydrophobic Water Repellent: DWR-Coated camping sleeping bags for adults feature 400T 20 D ripstop nylon fabric liner, 2 large YKK zippers with anti-snag sliders, velcro, drawstring & vertical baffles.Save Space & Weight: Don't sacrifice comfort! The regular mummy sleeping bag will fit a 6ft person; Warm but ultralight, 3 season winter sleeping bag. Hyke & Byke Sleeping Bags: USA-based brand offers premium quality camping gear collection of adult & kids sleeping bags, camping tents & sleeping pods for all your adventures in the great outdoors. Our philosophy is to offer the best products at the best value for the best purposes.
Hyke & Byke is a small but rapidly growing, independent outdoor gear company that was inspired and built by a group of entrepreneurial outdoors-men who wanted to use their passion for the outdoors to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others. After years of turmoil, we felt we could change the outdoor gear industry by offering premium products for a great value while also working to eliminate poverty through funding microloans. Hyke & Byke - Gear that Gives. WE PARTNER WITH KIVA TO HELP OTHERS AROUND THE WORLD GET OUT OF POVERTY VIA ENTREPRENEURSHIP!
Our company was founded on the principle of extending the wilderness to anyone who desires through providing premium quality products, that we ourselves use, affordably. We achieve this through our direct-to-consumer, fully cloud-based business model.
Ultralight backpacking, bouldering, peak bagging, and camping are hobbies, a mindset, and a way of life that we want to share with everyone. So grab your Hyke & Byke gear and go find your trail!
Hyke & Byke Eolus 15 & 30 °F Down Sleeping Bags. Premium quality ultralight 30 & 15 ºF mummy goose down sleeping bags for backpacking are the. Professionally designed for thru-hiking, backpacking, and camping, this bag boasts. Ultimate sleeping bag for saving space and weight. As a result of Hydrophobic Goose Down insulation capabilities and waterproof fabrics - the microscopic air clusters found in down feathers creates "loft" that traps heat and keeps you warm for 4 season versatility.With some of the lightest 30 or 15 degree mummy down sleeping bags available! From ultralight water repellent 400T 20 D ripstop nylon fabric liner with double large YKK zippers and anti-snag slider, wide shoulders and large footbox, snag-free velcro, drawstring, vertical baffles, and compression stuff sack case for storage included.
Available in size Short, Regular or Long (Tall / XL). Ultralight DWR Treated 400T 20D Rip-Stop Nylon Fabric, heavy duty YKK zippers, YKK Anti-Snag zipper slider, vertically designed baffles. Responsibly Sourced 800 Fill Power 90/10 Premium Quality Hydrophobic Goose Down. Short: 1.94 / 2.44 lbs; Regular: 2.05 / 2.62 lbs; Long: 2.16 / 2.80 lbs for the 30 / 15 °F bags, respectively. Short: 72" long, 26" wide at the shoulders, 21" wide at the hips, 11" wide at the toe box (bottom), and 56 of shoulder girth. Short size bags are best for individuals up to 5'-6 tall.Regular: 78" long, 28" wide at the shoulders, 22" wide at the hips, 11" wide at the toe box (bottom), and 59 of shoulder girth. Regular size bags are best for individuals 5'-7" to 6'-1" tall.
Long: 87" long, 32" wide at the shoulders, 26" wide at the hips, 14" wide at the toe box (bottom), and 64 of shoulder girth. Long size bags are best for individuals 6'-2" to 6'-6" tall. This down sleeping bag compresses to 6.5" in diameter and 8.5" / 9.5 long for the 30 / 15 °F bags, respectively. Sack body - Ultralight DWR Treated 400T 20D Rip-Stop Nylon fabric. Sack top and bottom compression panels - 210D PU-coated nylon.
3 point compression straps are HD black nylon webbing and the connected quick-release black thermoplastic buckles. Our goose down sleeping bags were designed with intent to be. Therefore, the body of our sleeping bags is constructed with.DWR Treated 400T 20D Rip-Stop Nylon Fabric. LIGHTEST MUMMY GOOSE DOWN SLEEPING BAG. Available for this quality of product. Stay warm with zipper baffles, hood/shoulder drawcords, and a DWR treated contoured bag design.
LLC is committed to eliminating poverty through. Sponsors and is a member of the. Designed for Adventure - Designed in the USA. More and more outdoor products are coming into the market. The majority are foreign import companies that come in with low quality. You get what you pay for...Unlike the competition, all of our products are designed and engineered with you in mind. Down to the last thread, our products bring the comfort and quality you are looking for in outdoor gear.
Don't Want Name-Brand Cost? Our mission is to create honest, top-quality, and innovative gear for you to live your adventures, and with our premium products, that's what we've made!Item Package Dimensions L x W x H. 13.39 x 11.73 x 7.05 inches.
8.5 x 6.5 x 6.5 inches.